"Spring" into Action with Colourful Garden Design Part 1: Planting
Each year we look forward to spring to see the end to the dark gloomy days of winter. Lighter nights mean more time outside in the garden. In part 1 of this month’s blog, we decided to share some tips on the best types of spring flowers to go for this time of year. Spring is when the garden starts to wake up and the first signs of the colour come into the garden. Many of the spring flowering plants are long flowering, such as Primulas and Alliums, and it’s a time when spring bulbs make a great show. Finding a local garden designer is a great way to ensure your planting gets off to the right start.
Here at Consilium Hortus, we supply and professionally install healthy plants that give your garden the very best start. Our local knowledge in the Essex, Suffolk, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire area will ensure your garden looks its best. Check out our spring selection suggestions;
Primula is a lovely spring flower with many different colours and flower shapes. An easy to grow fully hardy perennial will be easy to maintain. Great to inject some much-needed colour after a long dark winter! Our local team can help you with a bespoke colour palette.
A friend of the bees and flowering later in April and May is the Aubretia. Popular and often planted so it can trail over walls, it is easy to grow and comes in lovely shades of mauve, pink and blue. Using a local garden designer’s knowledge is the easiest way to bring your garden to life this spring using Aubretias.
Crocus brings early cheer and colour to the garden. Spring bulbs add lots of variety of colour, are easy to grow and with the exception of Tulips come back reliably each year. Selecting healthy bulbs can sometimes be tricky, using a garden design expert ensures the plants selected are the very best the market has to offer.
Wisteria is a deciduous, twining climbing plant with a long flowering period and highly scented blooms. A Wisteria in bloom is a magnificent sight with long, trailing scented blooms that are either blue, purple, pink or white. Traditionally, Wisteria is grown on a south-facing wall. Wisteria rewards well, a beautiful climber flowering between April and June. This can be high maintenance and does require pruning twice a year. Again, using a local garden designer and expert, you can be sure that you get the most out of this plant and the elegance it can add to your garden.
Camellias are not the easiest shrub to grow, and the saying “right plant right place” is crucial when growing Camellias, which will only thrive in the right spot with the correct soil! Once established, camellias are low maintenance and a great addition to your spring garden. With our expert knowledge of soil, placement and watering, we will ensure your garden thrives.
Planting adds life and personality to your garden, with a well-organised planting plan, a local garden designer like Consilium Hortus can help you with your vision. Make sure that your garden is ready to enjoy now the weather allows! Giving your outdoor space a new lease of life will enable your family to enjoy the garden as we enter the warmer months. Turning your garden into a wonderful spot will give you that extra space to entertain. Spending some much-needed time with extended family and friends that we haven’t been able to do in so long!
Now your garden looks the part, how about we make it functional too? In part 2 of this blog, we’ll look at the best BBQs and outdoor kitchens on the market so you can whip up some great food to accompany a great space!